City: Dodge City
Term Ends: June 2026
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Ms. Diana Mendoza is the Director of ESOL & Diversity at Dodge City Public Schools – USD 443. Ms. Mendoza attended Kansas State University where she earned a B.S. in Elementary Education and a M.S. in Educational Leadership. She has continued her education at Kansas State University where she is currently seeking an Ed.D. in Curriculum & Instruction.
Ms. Mendoza began her career with USD 443 over twenty years ago, first as an ESOL Data Specialist, then as a classroom teacher, ESOL instructional coach, and now as director. In her role she works with teachers to develop best practices for working with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse students, leads efforts in support of migratory youth, and is as an advocate for the diverse population of students and families in her community as well as across the State of Kansas.
She has served on key educational state committees such as the KSDE ESOL Educator’s Professional Learning Cohort, English Learner Assessment Writers Committee, Migrant Education Comprehensive Needs Assessment Committee, and the Migrant Education State Delivery Plan Committee. Additionally, she is the Kansas Member-at-Large for MIDTESOL.