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Reverse Transfer Information for Completing an Associate Degree

More than 37,000 Kansans have earned two or more years of college credit, but no degree, and more than 15,000 of them attended both a two-year and four-year institution.

Students who transfer to a Kansas public university from a Kansas public community college or technical college are eligible for Reverse Transfer, which allows for the attainment of any associate degree for which one is eligible along the way to additional certificates and degrees. 

To be eligible, a student must have completed at least 45 credit hours at one or more public community college or technical college in Kansas. Students who then complete the coursework for a given associate degree will be eligible to receive that degree, administered automatically by correspondence between the new institution and the community college or technical college the student last attended.

A list of the system-wide transfer course is available here. A list of the system-wide institutional contacts is here.

The procedures for systemwide reverse transfer between the Kansas public universities and two-year institutions are available here.

To learn more, please contact the Registrar's Office at the institution where you currently enrolled, or the community college or technical college where you were last enrolled.

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